In July 2017, Little Berlin is hosting an international group art exhibition based around the theme of interference. The concept of interference is explored within contexts of the physical, social, political, and medical spheres.
The gallery will be activated by a broad range of media: Sound Installation, Video, Performance, Textile, Sculpture, and Data Visualizations. Some of the works themselves engender the idea of interference, while others expose various forms of interference and obstruction that already exist in the world.
Little Berlin will be a cellular dead zone during the hours of the exhibition blocking all cell and data usage by utilizing a short throw Cellular blocker for educational purposes and to encourage visitors to the gallery to engage with the works and each other.
Full list of participating artists:
Johann Diedrick (NYC)
Jason Hsu (Philadelphia)
Daniel Newman (Philadelphia) + Keith Hartwig (Boston)
Tina Kohlmann (Germany)
Luke Leyden (Philadelphia)
Marcelline Mandeng (Cameroon / Philadelphia)
Roopa Vasudevan (NYC / Shanghai)
There will also be a curated selection of “Staff Picks” from the Little Berlin Zine Library relating to “Reuptake’s” theme of interference and obstruction.
This exhibition is paid for circuitously by car insurance funds collected after the curator, Will Owen, was struck by a Kia Mini-van while he was riding his bicycle in January 2017. After his medical bills were paid, the driver’s insurance paid surprisingly well for being unable to work for a week. This unexpected surplus of funds is being paid directly as honorariums to the artists involved in this show-- as well as their transport, and shipping of works. The incident, though definitely an interference, created a positive result.
For more information please contact:
Will Owen